Thursday, June 9, 2011

A new chalkboard

We have all seen a chalk board after it has been written on and erased from so many times that a very nice THICK layer of gunck sits on the top of the board.
I feel this a really great analogy for my body right now. It has been wiped "clean" time and time again, and although it is still working, and it is still a great body, it is dirty and guncky.

So my plan is to change this. I am going to make my body look like this.

I believe that there is gunck and nasty things in my body that need to be cleaned. I need to try to repair and take some time bringing my body back to this state of cleanliness.

How am I planning on doing this you ask?

I have a twelve month plan, lots of support and some essential oils to help my body become this amazing clean chalk board again.

I need to say this...I am not doing this to loose weight, I am not doing this in an attempts to find a quick painless solution to all my bodily problems. I am doing this to help my long term health and to help change my lifestyle.

I will post once a month (except this month there will be two possibly three posts) each month will have my thoughts feelings and ideas. They will also include my research and techniques.

Wish me luck blogger world! I am so excited!

The next post will include my monthly breakdown and possibly some before pics.


1 comment:

  1. GO KATY GO! You using DoTerra? What oils are you going to use? I can't wait to hear how it goes, maybe I'll join you. Love the analogy.
